Stock Up: My Favourite Stock Websites & Why
Stock Images. I bet those two words create a collage of cheesy imagery in your mind. We all have our pre-existing opinions of stock imagery. Whether we type in dog walking through a park with it’s owners, and we get exactly that; with humans that are just way too excited to be walking their dog through a park. But what about when you try and water down the deliberate photography by using keywords such as ‘candid’ or ‘natural’? Suddenly your 1248765 pages have reduced to 3, but it hasn’t seemed to narrow down what you’re after.
I’ve collated a few of my favourite stock imagery websites and reasons why I love them.
1. Unsplash
In a nutshell: You get 10 free high-resolution photos every 10 days.
The thing I love most about this site is that it encourages us to be creative. It gives you the opportunity to use incredible photography as your canvas. Which for me, is a creative dream.
2. Snapwire
In a nutshell: You can request, nominate & buy the best royalty-free photos.
One of my favourite features from this site is the ability to request a photo from a photographer, and liaise with them like you would a freelancer. And they’ve already been found for you!
3. Stocksy
In a nutshell: 100% exclusive high quality, royalty-free images.
I love this site primarily because they have high quality relatable images. It’s like viewing someone’s professionally photographed holiday album. And I love that!
4. Dollar Photo Club
In a nutshell: Buy all high quality images for $1.
I love this site not only because I love a good bargain, but it’s also a good option if you need something specific & you need it fast.
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